A One Piece fanzine with a focus on the platonic and romantic relationships of One Piece characters!

Head/Writing Mod
「Head of OP Summer Festival, OP Marines, OP Halloween, OP Charting the Stars, & More; Writing Mod for Corazine, OP DILF, OP Legends of the Sea, & More.」
Fav Fluff Trope!
「H-Holding h-hands....」

Graphics Mod
「Head and Graphics mod for Ace&Isuka Zine, Graphics for Knights of Dawn.」
Fav Fluff Trope!
「Holding hands」

Art Mod
「Graphics and Formatting mod for Yohohoho! A Brook zine.」
Fav Fluff Trope!
「gift-giving!! bonus points if somebody wins someone else a prize at a carnival game ;-;」

Formatting Mod
「Formatting/Graphics for Sandwich Zine, Growing Pains; Graphics for Meet me at lesbos; Formatting for OP Pride Zine」
Fav Fluff Trope!
「Cuddles! And forehead kisses :3」

NSFW Art Mod
「DILF, Luffy, Loving Ace, Perona, Soaring To The Skies, Yamabro, Valentines.... the list goes kinda on」
Fav Fluff Trope!
「Hand holding, back hugs, Soothing hugs」

☁︎ What is a zine?
A zine is a fan-made, unofficial booklet containing art, stories, or photos centered around a series, theme, or ship.
☁︎ What is this zine’s theme?
This zine will focus on the platonic and romantic relationships of One Piece characters!
Fluff. Just tooth-rotting fluff. :D☁︎ Will this zine be strictly SFW?
This zine will be SFW but feature canon levels of violence/sexuality. There will be a NSFW add-on.
☁︎ Will there be content restrictions?
The usual content restrictions apply. The main zine will be SFW, so excessive gore, graphic sexual situations, or other sensitive content will not be allowed. However, these topics will be allowed in the NSFW add-on.
☁︎ How many contributors are will you be accepting?
22 artists, 15 spot artists, 11 writers, 9 merch artists (not including guests)
☁︎ Will this zine be for-profit, for-charity, or free?
This zine will be free!
☁︎ Will this zine be physical or digital?
This zine will be digital only.
☁︎ What is the age requirement to apply?
We ask that all applicants be 18+ at the time they submit an application.
☁︎ Will ships be allowed?
Yes, ships will be allowed. However, we ask that ships involving minors (characters younger than 18) remain platonic in order to avoid potential harassment of any contributors.
☁︎ Can I apply for more than one role?
Yes! Please specify on your application(s) which role you would prefer to be chosen for. Please note that you will only be selected for one role.
☁︎ What kind of merchandise will there be?
This will be determined by the Interest Check, but they will all be digital merch.
☁︎ How will contributors be compensated?
Contributors will receive a digital copy of the zine.
☁︎ Will OCs and xReader be allowed?
No, OCs and xReader will not be allowed.

☁︎ Please note that schedule is subject to change ☁︎

Aug 9Announcement
Sept 23Interest Check opens
Oct 31Interest Check closes
Jan 7, 2024Contributor Apps open
Feb 7Contributor Apps close
Feb 14Email results
Apr 181st check-in
☁︎ May 302nd check-in ☁︎
Jul 183rd check-in
Aug 44th check-in
Aug 18Final submissions
Sept 23Zine release!

☁︎ GENERAL ☁︎- All contributors must be 18 years or older to participate- You must have a Discord account to participate. All communication will be done via Discord.-☁︎ ARTISTS ☁︎- Applicants must submit 3 finished illustrations (with backgrounds preferred). A full portfolio can be included, but optional.- Samples including One Piece characters are recommended, but not mandatory.☁︎Applicants will be judged based on anatomy, color, background, overall composition, and pitch/concept.☁︎ZINE EXPECTATIONS- Artists are required to submit a single page or spread for their pitched One Piece character(s)- The piece may include other One Piece characters, but the pitched character/ship must be the focus.-☁︎ MERCH ARTISTS ☁︎- Applicants must submit finished illustrations (with backgrounds preferred if you are interested in creating prints/wallpaper).- A full portfolio can be included, but optional.- Samples including One Piece characters are recommended, but not required.☁︎Applicants will be judged based on anatomy, color, background, overall composition, and pitch/concept.☁︎ZINE EXPECTATIONS- Merch designs should focus on their pitched One Piece character(s).- Create 2-3 digital merch designs (merch items to be determined on the Interest Check)
- Applicants must submit at least 3 written works (can be excerpts from longer fics). A full portfolio can be included, but optional.- Samples including One Piece characters are recommended, but not required.- Each sample must be 2.5k words max.☁︎Applicants will be judged based on grammar, characterization, and their ability to tell a compelling story within a short word count.☁︎ZINE EXPECTATIONS- Writers are required to submit one (1) fic for their pitched One Piece character(s)- The piece may include other One Piece characters, but your pitched One Piece character/ship must be the focus.- Word count for zine pieces will be between 1.5-2k words.